Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Old Man Winter

Old man Winter can take a flying leap off a high bridge.  And he can take that damned groundhog with him, too.  I am SO over this ice/snow mess that we have been dealing with.  Yesterday it snowed on me all day long.  Today it was sleet.  Trying to get home was treacherous...lots of traffic crawling along at about 20 miles per hour.  I must have passed half a dozen fender benders.  I was gripping the steering wheel and trying hard not to panic.  That kind of stress just makes me tired.  No idea what tomorrow will bring.  West of us will still have ice, east of us looks warmer with rain.  We are right on the dividing line, so....??  A little sunshine would be so welcome right about now....

Stay safe and warm and help me wish up some nicer weather!  :)


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