Sunday, December 30, 2012

Say Good-bye to 2012

I don't mind saying good-bye to this year. It wasn't completely heinous by any means. We had some good times, wonderful news, and plenty to be grateful for. But there were some not so great moments as well, and I am over those and ready to move on. I have broken my rule to not make resolutions and so I have a short list of things I hope to accomplish in 2013. Mainly to get healthier (which entails the dreaded diet and exercise goals). I just had way too many medical things going on this year and if there is anyway to avoid a repeat of that then I owe it myself to make an effort.

I have organizational goals too. Those I happen to love. I downloaded several Kindle books on organizing, de- cluttering, and a really interesting one on minimalism. I understand the concepts but reading these things is always motivational. Bruce and I did the kitchen this weekend. We packed boxes for donation, threw away lots and got everything else organized. I have empty cabinet space now which is amazing. It's a big house and we have a long way to go, but it's a start. I figure I have a whole year to do this anyway.

Besides healthy goals and plans to clean and organize, the only other major plan is to relax more, have more fun and spend time enjoying life. That part sounds easy enough, but it's so hard to implement when life starts throwing some curveballs. I'm working on day I will figure it all out! Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful new year ahead. I just love these fresh starts!


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