Saturday, January 26, 2013


I have wasted a whole entire day. Seriously. It's cold and icy. I think the roads are basically ok, but steps and sidewalks are a bit dicey. We decided not to go out, just in case. And so we have been inside ALL day long. Lots of TV, and doing nuthin'. It's not so bad really, a day to rest. But tomorrow we will have to make our way out into the world. We are running low on cat food and coffee, the necessities of life. I hope those steps thaw out. Also? I looked at our weekly forecast and its back into the low 70's by mid-week. Crazy, these roller coaster temps.

A couple of people at work have been out with the flu. I kept meaning to get a flu shot, but never got around to it. I guess it's too late in the season to bother. I am phobic about this stuff though. I swear, every twinge makes me panic that I am about to succumb to some virus of death. One of my co-workers has been out almost 2 weeks with it. I will be happier once this flu season has run its course...and...I need to remember to get the shot next year. Early, like in November. The sickest I remember being was with the flu over Thanksgiving. Oh Lord, just the memory is creeping me out. Yuck!

So we decided to switch insurance policies this year. Well, it's the same plan, Federal Blue Cross, same coverage as we have always had which is pretty darned decent and for that we are grateful. But I was carrying the policy and Bruce decided he wanted to switch it to his name. We are always faced with the possibility that I may end up retiring earlier. I hope not, I am trying not, but just in case my body parts decide to go against our carefully laid plans. But anyway, my insurance ran out and his was activated....we checked and double-checked. But we had no insurance cards and no policy number for about 2 weeks. It was making me nervous. I actually had to pay for a prescription without insurance because I had no information. It wasn't a big deal, but still....Anyway, our cards FINALLY came on Thursday so I can stop worrying. I would hope that if something unfortunate had happened, we would have been covered even if I couldn't prove it with a card, but still...I am happy that is taken care of.
Friday, January 25, 2013


After flirting around with temps in the 70's for most of this winter, it turned cold this week. Cold for Eastern NC that is. People from up North, or the mid-west would probably laugh at how wimpy we southerners can be. Yesterday the high hovered around freezing all day, but the worst part of it was the wind. It was insane how cold it felt. Especially considering that Bruce and I only wore long sleeves maybe twice all of last winter. And today it had the audacity to snow. Just a few flakes. Then it turned to sleet. And this town went insane...seriously. Traffic was heavy, grocery stores were packed, schools got out would think it was the end of the world. LOL!

I needed to run by the grocery store, but I ran by the mall and picked up Chinese food instead. The mall was empty, probably because everybody was at the grocery store. I will hit the store tomorrow...when it's 40+ degrees and nobody will be there because they shopped tonight. What is it about bad weather that makes people feel the need to hoard milk and bread? I never figured that out.

Oh well, I am very grateful that its Friday. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Stay safe and warm wherever you are and for the love of God, do NOT run out of milk or bread. :)
Saturday, January 19, 2013


Happy weekend everybody! Clearly, I am not doing so well in the blogging department this new year. Everything is good here, though. We've got a 3 day break, it's sunny albeit chilly, and that winter storm missed us all together, which made me very happy. We had some drizzle but no snow or ice. Work is still a bit of a struggle, but I made it through a full week. That's something of an accomplishment.

The kids are all doing well, too. Stephen started his program this week...both work and classes.
Hannia has started teaching part-time, French and Spanish at a private school. She is still doing her regular job, too, so both she and Stephen are really busy. Also? She loves it! I think that is fantastic! Erica is also going to be teaching 1 class a week at her university. That starts next week, so no idea how she is going to like it. But she seems to be looking forward to trying something new. And...she is thinking about moving in with her friend Amy in February. Apparently, the UK is an expensive place to live and having a roommate will be helpful. Erica is feeling a little apprehensive since she likes living alone, but it sounds like she is going to give this a try. I hope it works out for her. Amy is from New Zealand, and works in the same department with Erica.

Anyway, we are all off to a good start for 2013. Bruce and I have made progress cleaning and organizing. There is still more to do, always. But I'm happy with what we have gotten done.
We just got back from having dinner with Stephen and Hannia....Outback. Not overly fancy or exotic, but Stephen said earlier this week that he had a mad craving for a blooming onion which made us all want one. LOL! It was good, too. Not cooking was maybe even better.
Saturday, January 12, 2013


Well, the first week back at work was a bit brutal. I was still more sore than I realized. But I did it. I was exhausted by yesterday afternoon, but I finished the week and hopefully things will continue to improve. Not much else was accomplished because it was all I could manage to get through work. But we had worked a lot to clean up clutter, and get organized, so things didn't dissolve into total chaos. I like that....getting rid of things. Bruce took a whole truckload of stuff to Goodwill today. I am still working on paring down and cleaning out. We got rid of the obvious unused stuff, so that drawers and closets look neat and tidy, but I don't want to stop at that. It's not enough that everything has a place to be stored....if I don't use it, then I want it gone. Books, movies, knick knacks....if I have read it, seen it, or feel bored with it, it has to go. Round 2 is going to be sorting what's left. And making sure clutter aka crap doesn't find it's way into the house in the first place.
Of course this means not buying unnecessary stuff, too, so trying to be a more conscious shopper is something I am working on.

Anyway, I am resting up this weekend, getting ready for a full week ahead (I went back last Tuesday, so it was only 4 days. Turned out to be a good thing.). Nothing too crazy on the agenda for me. I am taking it easy....hope your weekend is good, too!
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