Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Crazy Time

It's crazy around here.  Insane, even.  We have been so busy I haven't had time to catch my breath.  Last weekend Stephen and Hannia had their convalidation in the Catholic Church.  It was small, personal and just lovely.  We had a reception here afterwards and I enjoyed meeting Father Bill after hearing many good things about him from Hannia over the past several years.

This weekend we are all convening in Danville for 1 final time to clear out Dad's house.  It's been sold and the new people are moving in soon. This is stressing me out big time.  We have lots of help, but's a big house and there is a LOT of stuff.  Stuff makes me hyperventilate on a good day.  I had trouble being in that house because the amount of clutter made me claustrophobic.  Oh well, it has to be done but this is not going to be an easy fun time for any of us.  I can't wait to get this over and done with.  Bruce's parents bought this house later in life, none of the kids ever lived there, and I don't think anybody is particularly nostalgic about the place.  

And after that?  Hopefully we can relax and have a chance to breathe again.  Maybe???  
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Old Timer

I was talking/gossiping with a woman at work today about how we have so many new people at our office that we don't even know who is who anymore.  Like not sure if this person is a new employee, or visiting from another office or ...??   Even our management changes fairly frequently, as we apparently don't actually hire people, but borrow and shuffle people from office to office within the district.  I used to know everybody, but now....not so much.

But what's even more disturbing is that a lot of our new employees are younger than my children.
Oh my God!!!  I am a relic around there anymore.  I feel these young folks wanting me to retire ( or die) so they can move up, and take over my position.  Circling my body like vultures...LOL!  I'm not kidding that some of them have asked when I plan to retire.  I wish that I could....retire, that is.  Not die.  But I have 5 more years unless by some miracle I get offered an early out.  Or win the lottery.  The lottery would be preferable, but I think you have to buy a ticket to win.  We buy a random occasional ticket when the jackpot is large enough to make the news, but it's not something we do often.

Oh well, I just wanted to share that bit of weirdness.  One day I was one of the regular crowd, knowing everybody by their first names, their spouses and children's name.  And then one day the majority of my regular gang has moved on, retired, and I am one of the old timers.  It's so strange.  Like I woke up in somebody else's life.  But whatever.  It puts me closer to that glorious day when I walk out of that building forever, so I will take it.  And who knows....maybe I am just getting senile and I forgot that I know these people.  Maybe they aren't "new" at all.  Now that's a scary thought.  Haha!
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Happy Birthday!!!

Today is Erica's birthday.  I made the grave error of wishing her a happy birthday yesterday, which upset her that her own mother couldn't remember the day that she was born.  I will never forget that she was born on the 16th.  The problem was that I was off a day and completely thought Wednesday WAS the 16th.  I probably dated everything at work wrong, too.  Which can only mean that Erica got to have a 2 day birthday this year.  

I haven't even heard from her today.  She is at a conference in Cambridge for this entire week, so I knew contact would be minimal.  She has emailed a couple of times to say she arrived safely and she is fine but the conference and required networking is keeping her really busy.  I only hope she is having some fun and celebrating her birthday a little bit.  

So I'm a little sad, and missing Erica quite a lot this week.  But she is doing well and that's wonderful.  I wish her a really awesome birthday, even though its almost over in the UK by now.  And I also hope she has a really fabulous year ahead....I just really REALLY don't like having her out of the country when I want to celebrate and eat cake with her......sniff, sniff.  

Happy Birthday, darling!!  We love you lots.  We miss you terribly but we are also very proud of your accomplishments and your courage to go out into the world and make a life in another country!

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