Thanksgiving is my son Stephen's favorite holiday, even more than Christmas.  He just loves the full on celebration of food.  Of turkey!  And cranberry sauce!  Do NOT even think of decorating for Christmas before you show that Turkey some respect.  It's just wrong, disrespectful even.  One Thanksgiving, when the kids were really young, and I was working full time and lots of family members were coming for the holiday....I made the executive decision to go OUT for Thanksgiving.  We went to River Forest Manor, a beautiful old plantation house in Bath, NC to enjoy their holiday buffet.  We went there sometimes for Easter, which nobody seemed to mind.  But for Thanksgiving???  I think it scarred Stephen for life.

If I remember correctly, the food was perfectly fine. But things just were wrong all the way around.  At the last minute, Lila (grandma) got upset and decided she didn't want to eat out, so both Grandparents opted out of dinner.  And Stephen?  He whined and complained and bitched for most of the coming year.  Seriously.  There was NO pie at home.  No leftover turkey.  It was an abomination.  I don't recall Erica being nearly as traumatized.  She doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving in the UK at all, and she seems to be able to go on with her life somehow.

Anyway, back to the present.....I got an email from Brasa Brazilian Steakhouse, a place that we enjoy going to when we are in Raleigh inviting us to their Grand Thanksgiving Celebration Buffet.  I laughed maniacally as I forwarded the email to Stephen asking if he thought that would work for us this year.  A few hours later he called, almost prepared to be furious.  He didn't even say hello.  He said, " Oh HELL NO, we are NOT going to Brasa for Thanksgiving!!!"  LOL!  As if.  I learned my lesson of the importance of a home cooked feast complete with plenty of leftovers!  I will NEVER make that mistake again.  


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