Friday, August 31, 2012

Day of the Doctors

We both had Dr. appointments today, had to take the day off, and all of that stuff.  Bruce had his first visit to a sleep clinic to figure out why he is snoring so much. It was just the initial consult, he didn't actually have to sleep there yet.  Is it sleep apnea?  I don't know....I don't think he actually stops breathing.  But he is having that checked out and that makes me feel better.  He will go in for the sleep study in early October.  Apparently, lots of people need to have their sleep evaluated around these parts, so it takes a while to get an appointment.  I had round 2 with the Digestive/Liver specialist.  No real news yet.  I am waiting on the results of more blood tests.  And he wants me to go have some kind of gallbladder test in 2 weeks.  So....?  Waiting, and more waiting seems to be the order of the day.  Somehow, we managed to sneak in a lunch date between Dr.s and cars that needed oil changes.  LOL.  At least there is that. 

And beyond that, nothing else is new.  Its still hot, even though school is back in and the calendar says it will be September tomorrow.  Traffic in town has tripled since the college students are back.  It makes me crabby.  They drive so freaking bad that its scary.  They also shoot out from between parked cars on bikes and skateboards without a care in the world.  I am just trying not to kill somebody.  I was downtown on 10th St one day this past week, sitting at a red light.  The light turned green and I started to accelerate when this young boy on a bike dashed across the intersection and barely missed getting me and 2 other cars.  It made my heart stop and I don't even think he noticed.  Crazy! 


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