Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Hannia poses this question:  is it better to have our typical hot summer weather, or the endless rain.  Which granted keeps the temps down, but still it's been cloudy and rainy for something like 2 weeks straight now.  Not as hot as July generally is....but oh my Lord....the rain.  I can't decide which is better.  Bruce votes for a cloudy rainy, cooler day every third day...LOL!  But I don't think that was one of the options.  My vote is to skip summer altogether and just let dry warm spring days turn into crisp, dry fall days.  No heat, no humidity......like ever.  I have no idea why I'm not allowed to make the rules???

Erica was supposed to have lunch with the Overcashes today as they will be in York for just a few hours For the last leg of their trip.  I think they will be back State side July 4th.  Just in time for the holiday.  Erica will not be celebrating Independence Day in the UK.  HaHa.  

Ok, so have a safe and Happy 4th!  


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