Friday, October 25, 2013

First Freeze

It's getting down to 32 degrees tonight.  Bruce and I have been arguing about whether it's time to turn on the heat or not.  I keep voting for NO, but I think I have lost the fight for the season.  This nice chilly weather is the stuff that I dream about during the long, hot summer.  I sleep better if the room is cool.
The last thing I want is to crank up the heat.  Heat is a 4 letter word.  Oh well, he set it on 65 so hopefully it won't make me sweat...LOL!  

Anyway, I am thankful that it is finally Friday.  I have been trying to ward off some kind of bug all week.  Raw sinuses, sore throat, feeling tired.  It never turned into any full blown thing though so hopefully it's over.  A couple of days to rest and drink some Emergen-C and I should be fine. I keep meaning to get a flu shot though.  Maybe this weekend.  

Nothing much is going on here.  We are going to be low key this weekend, which is perfectly wonderful as far as I'm concerned.  


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