Monday, June 3, 2013


We all came together and got Dad's entire house emptied and cleaned.  What a mess.  Seriously, something very wrong was going on in that house.  It was filthy, and trashed beyond anything we expected.  Of course, Step Mom had not allowed any of Dad's children to come into the house in a long time so we were really shocked by the condition of things.  We don't know if Step Mom has had an onset of dementia, a bout of alcoholism, or if she purposely created a mess of things out of spite.  
Honestly?  All 3 scenarios are equally plausible.  But it's done, it's over.  She is moving across country and the last thing she said to Bruce was that none of us were to contact her again.  I have a feeling that won't be much of an issue...LOL!  

Anyway, it was a long and tiring weekend, but it was cathartic...therapeutic.  I feel like we can all wake up from the nightmare now.  I hope the new family moving into the house has a lovely time there.  I feel like. along with the cleaning, we should have hired an exorcist.....but maybe those mean- spirited, bitter vibes are over and done with now.  One can hold out hope.

Beyond that, things are good here.  We are exhausted, but happy to have accomplished the goal of clearing the house in a single weekend!  We all deserve a fabulous vacation or something, don't you think???


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