Tuesday, February 12, 2013


This year is flying by. Wasn't it just New Years like last week? We have all been busy around here, but everything is good. I had intentions of blogging more this year, but haven't lived up to that yet. The kids are crazy busy too. Hannia is loving teaching Spanish and French to her middle schoolers, and Stephen is enjoying his work and studies too. But we haven't seen that much of them since this semester started. Erica is doing well, too, but I think the rainy cold English winter is grating on her nerves. It hasn't been terribly cold here....but so much rain! I hope spring is sunnier. Here and in England.

Anyway, I hope you all have a great rest of the week. If you celebrate Valentine's Day, have a wonderful one. If you don't, then have a great day anyway. It's such a commercial holiday. I don't need candy and restaurants are way too busy to even think about going out that night. Just show somebody a little love on Thursday, even if its yourself. :)


Lori Kintz said...

Whew, you are still here, I was worried I had missed the Zombie Apocalypse or something! Happy Valentine's Day! Great minds think alike . . . ha ha . . . I told the girls in the car on the way to school this morning to just be extra-kind to someone today, and they laughed maniacally - - but secretly I know they will (and are) and that makes my Valentine's Day. :-) Spread the love!

Lori Kintz said...

P.S. There is a special place in heaven for Hannia -- willingly spending time with middle-schoolers -- brave soul. :-) As frightening as they can be, they are also so smart and have such insight. I am so happy she is enjoying herself!

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