Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Ultra Sound Day

I had the ultra sound done this morning. Of course, I won't know anything for a while. The tech said it could be a That part is frustrating, but nothing I can do but wait. The scan itself was uncomfortable. Not painful, but certainly not like the gentle sonograms of pregnancy, either. This woman pushed the wand down so hard and for so long on my upper right stomach and side that I feel bruised. She did that for at least 30 minutes straight while I was asked to contort into awkward positions. I am glad it's over. I just pictured a quick running of the wand over my stomach for a few minutes and be done. Oh well, hopefully the pictures turn out, and more importantly, show nothing scary. I really wouldn't want to do that again any time soon. Also? And this made me laugh, not only could I not eat or drink anything after midnight, I was supposed to NOT talk until scan time this morning. LOL. Apparently talking can cause air in the digestive track??? Who knew. It wasn't hard not to talk with Bruce having left for work and the kids working on computers. But it was totally weird for our cats. It made me realize how much I talk to them, and how they noticed something was odd. I fed them breakfast in silence and it was unexpected. LOL! Poor babies, I will have to make up for that now. They are used to a running commentary while being served breakfast along with constant affirmations of how pretty and precious they are. Anyway, nothing else to report. I'm trying to clean up my act to be healthier. This means NO alcohol at ALL or any kind of medications (other than thyroid and blood pressure). Not Tylenol, or allergy meeds or anything else prescription or OTC. If something hurts, then it's just going to have to damn well hurt, doctor's orders. I'm also trying to eat healthier and add in some exercise. It kind of sucked when I overdid the elliptical the other day, and had a throbbing knee that felt like it was on fire. Ibuprofen was sorely missed that night. But it went away in 24 hours and I didn't break down and take anything. I hope everyone has a nice week, or what's left of it.


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