Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Happy Tuesday from Home Sweet Home

Every other Tuesday, my friend Ana comes over and cleans the house for us while we are at work.  I can't tell you how joyous it makes me feel to come home from a long hard day and have my house  entirely clean from top to bottom.  Before, when I was struggling to do it all myself, I would do the best I could in this room or that room as time allowed.  But NEVER did it get clean all at once.  Never!  Its like a minor miracle somehow.  And this is a big house, too.  Way more than we need for the just the 2 of us.

Sometimes, people who know where we live ask me what its like to have "all that wonderful space"?  Mostly its people with much larger families living in much smaller houses.  And it always panics me just a little, thinking that maybe they are thinking that its somehow grand or fancy, with expensive cut flower arrangements all over and polished marble floors.  Because I can assure you that it is NOT that kind of a house.  Not even close.  With the exception of my bedroom furniture that I got to pick out, and the den couches that Bruce insisted on (with reclining capabilities...haha), its mostly a hodge podge of second hand furniture from family.  And lots of cat toys and furniture interspersed in between.  Comfortable, lived in, homey, but decidedly NOT fancy.

Sometimes, when I start to OD on HGTV I begin to despair of everything that needs to be done.  New paint, new flooring...window treatments....Oh Lord it makes my head hurt to try and list it all.  But then I remember that this is the house that my husband's grandparents built with their own hands.  That his mother grew up here, and went to the same school that my own children did.  And then I am humbled by the richness of it all.  This place has history. Family history too, not just generic history of someone else.  And the bank says that its ours.  And beyond all of that, by God, for today it's CLEAN!  And somehow, that is more than enough.   The cats would just knock over any of those silly fancified flower arrangements anyway.  LOL!


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