Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Work was annoying today. It centered around a certain advertisement that went out to apparently every mail-receiving person in the county and had a big plastic key glued to the front. The idea was to coerce you to visit some car place, and attempt your stupid fake key. If it worked, you win a car. I want to use just one of those keys to gouge out the eyes of whoever came up with that moronic advertising design. The keys did not stay on...some people got the mail without the key....and franky my dear, I do NOT give a damn.

So let's go with that shall we? The theme of the day is "Annoyance". I will get it out and over with and hopefully move on.....

Things that annoy the holy crap out of me:

* March Madness....don't care, tired of hearing about it, hearing people argue over who's team is gonna beat who. Whatever, seriously. Its not the end of the world if your team doesn't make it to the finals. People are dying someplace on the planet, and a basketball game just doesn't qualify as important.

* Status posts on Facebook that ask you to copy and repost. Um, NO. Its MY status, and I prefer it to be original. I do not want to continue a chain of spam....and yes, I love my children, care about cancer, had a beautiful Mom, etc, etc.....My reposting your spam doesn't make my love or caring any more real, so stop it. Post whatever you want, but don't tell the rest of us what to post.

* 80 plus degrees in mid-March!!! Are you freaking kidding me? It was uncomfortable out there today (which didn't make me any happier dealing with the moronic key mail). Global warming sucks.

* Trying to shop, but having to manuever awkwardly around people who choose to carry on a long personal conversation right in the middle of an aisle. What is up with that? Go do lunch or something.

* Every thing....every single tiny little thing about this upcoming election. The advertising, the analyzing, the craziness, the name it. I wish I could just pick up and leave the country until it is all over and done with.

* Bad drivers, especially if I see you with a cell phone plastered to your ear after almost killing me, or somebody else.

Ok, thats it for now. Well, there is more, I am sure of it. I hate selfishness, racism, animal abuse, and gas guzzling SUV's that block everybody else's view. I loathe slow people, both walking and driving, people who take more than 10 items into the express check out lane, and seeing pajama pants worn in public (seriously? You couldn't put on some real pants?). But honestly, if I don't stop now, I am just going to make myself angry thinking about it all. I got it off my chest, I am OVER it now, and tomorrow is going to be a brand new day. Whew....


Lori Kintz said...

OMG! EXACTLY!! I could have written each of those anoying experiences (well, except for delivering the plastic keys!!) Wanna be my BFF?????

Unknown said...


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